Thursday, April 21, 2022

Basic operation of computer

Basic operation performed by computer:

᩿Out putting
᩿Input interface/output interface


  Hello friends, I would like to explain  a New topic "Basic operation of computer".

 if you read this article carefully you will understand all about what is computer operation?

There are five basic operation performed by computer:


                The process of entering data and instruction to the computer is called other words
An input is a data that is entered into or received by a computer is called inputting.


                 Before actual processing start data and instruction enter to the computer must be stored somewhere inside the computer. similarly results produced by the computer are required to restored before it is paned to the output unit. the intermediate result produced by the computer must also be stored  processing .


                  The task of performing calculation and comparison are known as processing .CPU stands for central processing unit. CPU is a responsible for processing.
  CPU consist following thing:

᩿ALU(Arithmetic Logic unit):   ALU is the place where actual execution of the instriction takes place during the processing operation.

᩿CLU:  ALU doesn't know what should be done with the data like output unit doesn't know when the result should be display.

It manages and co-ordinate the entire system.

4.Out putting:

               The process of giving final result to outside world is called out putting. This include data produced at a software level. such as the result of a calculation or at a physical level such as printed document.
ex-Printer, monitor, speaker, plotter etc.

5.Input interface:

                    The process of converting user acceptable format into machine acceptable forms is responsible for input interface.

 ᩿Out put interface: It is responsible for converting machine acceptable format into user acceptable format.

1 comment:

OSI Reference model

OSI Reference model OSI Stands for open system interconnection model, It was developed by International standards Organization(ISO) in 1984....