Computer Generation
It means enhancement in hardware technology .Each generation defined by a significant technology development that changes fundamentally how computer's operate .less expensive efficient and robust machine .
There are different types of computer Generation:
1.First generation computer(1942-1956)
⇒The period 1942 to 1956, roughly considered as the First generation of computer.
⇒The working technology of first generation computer was vacuum tubes.
⇒Magnetic drums are uses for memory, first generation computer uses machine level language.
⇒The input of this system was based on punched cards and paper tape, however ,the output was displayed on printouts.
⇒The changes of hardware failure is very high.
⇒Generated large amount of heat.
⇒It takes large amount of electricity.
⇒Ac is mandatory, Bulky in size etc.
⇒ The first generation computers worked on binary-coded concept ( Language of 0-1)
ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
UNIVAC(Universal Automatic computer)
2.Second generation computer(1959-1965):
⇒The second generation uses Assembly level language or High level language
⇒Reliable in comparison to first generation computer.
⇒Smaller size as comparison to first generation computer.
⇒Generated less amount of heat as comparison to first generation computer.
⇒Consumed less electricity as compare to first generation computer.
⇒ Still very costly.
⇒It is faster than first generation computers.
Some popular computer of this generation :
◼ IBM 1620
◼IBM 1604
◼IBM 7094
◼IBM 3600
3.Third generation computer(1965-1971):
⇒ The period of third generation computer was from 1965 to 1971.
⇒The working technology of third generation computer was integrated circuit.
⇒Pascal ,Basic ,Algol high level language were used during third generation computer.
⇒More reoviral then other to generation.
⇒Smaller in size generated less amount of heat require less mountainous.
⇒consumed less electricity.
⇒Sported High level language.
⇒IBM-360,PDP(personal data processer)
⇒TDC-316 are some popular example of third generation computer.
4.Fourth generation computer(1971 -1980):
⇒ The period of Fourth generation computer was 1971 to 1980.
⇒ The working technology of fourth generation computer is microprocessor.
⇒ A microprocessor chip is made from hundreds of Integrated circuits constructs on a single silicon chip.
⇒ Computer of fourth generation used very large scale integrated circuit.
⇒ Fourth generation computer became more powerful compact reliable and affordable.
⇒ In this generation science showing read time Network and distributed operating reacting system Where used.
⇒ All the high level language like C,C++, Q-Basic ,VB(Visual Basic).
⇒ Concept of Internet was introduce.
⇒ Pipeline processing is also introduced in fourth generation computer.
⇒ very small size.
⇒ Great development in the fields of network.
Example of fourth generation computer:
◼IBM -4341
◼PUP- 11
5.Fifth Generation computer(1980 to till that):
⇒ The period of Fifth generation computer is 1980 to till that.
⇒ ULSI(ultra large scale integrated) technology is used in Fifth generation computer.
⇒ All the high level language like C, C++,Java, VB. Net are used in this generation.
⇒ Development of natural language processing.
⇒ More user friendly interfaces with multimedia features.
⇒ Ability of very powerful and compact computer at cheaper rate.
⇒ This generation is based down parallel processing Hardware and AI(Artificial intelligences).
Artificial intelligence is a very broad category in computer science that incorporates various other technologies.
Some of the main elements in AI include the following:
■Neural networking
■Game playing
■Natural language understanding and generation.
■ Development of advanced systems that can take decisions on real-life situations
Various types of computer exist in this generation, which are given below:
4.Ultra book
5.Chrome book
Classification of Generation of computers
Generation of computer Generations timeline Evolving hardware
1. 1st generation 1942-1956 Vacuum tubes
2. 2nd generation 1959-1965 Transistor
3.3rd generation 1965-1971 Integrated circuit
4.4th generation 1971-1980 Micro processor
5.5th generation 1980-Present & Future Artificial intelligence